- https://nkytribune.com/2025/01/our-rich-history-bau-vereine-the-german-roots-of-building-meeting-in-saloons-saving-for-homes/" target="blank">
Articles and Reviews
(For past articles, click here)
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Our Rich History: Bau-Vereine – the German Roots of Building and Loans; meeting in saloon, saving for homes," Northern Kentucky Tribune. 6 January, 2025.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Notable German-Americans: Albert Jaegers (1868-1925), German-American Sculptor and Creator of German Heritage Monuments." The Palatine Immigrant. 49:2 (2024): 12-17.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Our Rich History: Cincinnati’s German Regiments during the Siege of Cincinnati," Northern Kentucky Tribune. (26 August 2024).
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "NOTABLE GERMAN-AMERICANS: Ludwig Bogen (1810-86), From German Forty-eighter to Minnesota German Newspaper Editor," The Palatine Immigrant. 49: 1 (2023): 3-10.
Robin Gee, "Northern Kentucky’s German Roots flow much deeper than Mainstrasse," LINK NKY (5 November 2023).
Book review: "The Roebling Suspension Bridge: A Guide to Historic Sites, People and Places (2ndEdition). Don Heinrich Tolzmann. Archivarium Press." The Tracer. 44:3 (2023): 93.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Notable German-Americans: Major David Ziegler (1748-1811), From Revolutionary War Soldier to First Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio," The Palatine Immigrant. 48: 4 (2023): 11-15.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Notable German-Americans: Wilhelm Nast (1807-1899), Patriarch of German Methodism in America," The Palatine Immigrant. 48:3 (2023) 12-15.
Paul Tenkotte, "Our Rich History: The new 2nd edition of Don Tolzmann's The Roebling Suspension Bridge," Northern Kentucky Tribune. (29 May 2023).
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Frankenstein: A Film, a Novel and a German-American Artist," German Life. (June-July 2023): 16-23.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Notable German-Americans: Friedrich Muench (1799-1881), From German Emigration Proponent to Missouri German Patriarch," The Palatine Immigrant. 48:2 (2023): 11-16.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Notable German-Americans: Dr. Gustav Peter Philipp Koerner (1809-96), From German Revolutionary to Friend of Lincoln, Lieutenant Governor of Illinois, and Historian," The Palatine Immigrant. 48:1 (2022): 12-15.
Jane Theissen, Book review of: "Cincinnati's Germans before World War I, by Don Heinrich Tolzmann," St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly. (Summer 2022): 34.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Notable German-Americans: Rudolf Cronau (1855-1939), German-American Artist, Author, and Historian," followed by: "Nachtrag – Addendum: Franz Joseph Stallo (1793-1833)," The Palatine Immigrant 47:4 (2022): 13-16.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "New Ulm, Minnesota," German Life (June/July 2022): 20-27.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Notable German-Americans: Franz Joseph Stallo (1793-1833), German Emigration Advocate and American Town Founder," The Palatine Immigrant 47:3 (2022): 13-22.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "New Alsace, An Alsatian Settlement in Southeastern, Indiana," The Palatine Immigrant 47:2 (2022): 11-14.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Notable German-Americans: Heinrich A. Rattermann (1832-1923), German-American Historian and Entrepreneur: A Chronology of his Life and Work," The Palatine Immigrant 47:2 (2022): 17-20.
Karl Lietzenmayer, "Review of: The Germans in the American Civil War," by Wilhelm Kaufmann, translated from German by Steven Rowan, edited by Don Heinrich Tolzmann, with Werner D. Mueller and Robert E. Ward, Northern Kentucky Heritage 29:1 (2021): 77.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Notable German-Americans: Johann Martin Henni (1805-81) – A German-American Pioneer Priest," The Palatine Immigrant 47:1 (2021): 10.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The Declaration of Independence: The first printings in English and German," The Palatine Immigrant 46:4 (2021): 15-17.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The German-Americanization of the Motto of the Turner Movement," The Palatine Immigrant 46:3 (2021): 16-18.
"Book Describes Germans’ Role in the American Civil War," Amerika Woche (7 June 2021).
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Our Rich History: Honoring Cincinnati’s German regiments who heeded the call during the Civil War," Northern Kentucky Tribune (7 June 2021).
Colleen Phillips, "Book Review: Cincinnati’s Germans Before World War I, by Don Heinrich Tolzmann," The Tracer 42:1 (2021): 61-62.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Our Rich History: Judge Nippert's talk with Kaiser Wilhelm II; Wiedemann of Newport supported relief," Northern Kentucky Tribune, (3 May 2021).
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "German Immigration in the 19th Century: A novel helps tell the story," German Life, (June/July 2021):15-17.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The John A. Roebling Bridge Linking Cincinnati, Ohio and Covington, Kentucky,": The Palatine Immigrant, 46:1 (2020):16-20.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Scarlet Oaks, a grand Cincinnati mansion built by a Hessian soldier's grandson," Northern Kentucky Tribune (9 November 2020).
Bonnie Everhart, "Cincinnati, Ohio: The Eldorado of the German Emigrant: Writings about he Queen City of the West, by Friedrich Gerstäcker, translated and edited by Don Heinrich Tolzmann," The Palatine Immigrant, 45:4 (2020): 4-5.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Friedrich Gerstäcker and Cincinnati: The El Dorado of the German Emigrant," The Report: A Journal of German-American History, 48 (2020): 95-108.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "German Immigrants in Steerage: What did They Eat?" The Palatine Immigrant, 45:3 (2020): 17-20.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Our Rich History: George Wiedemann, Northern Kentucky's Beer Baron and His Brewery," Northern Kentucky Tribune (23 March 2020).
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The Cincinnati Germans: Their Ancestral Homelands in the German States," The Palatine Immigrant, 45:2 (2020): 21-23.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Our Rich History: Cincinnati German Beer Baron in the Civil War: Christian Moerlein and the Siege of Cincinnati," Northern Kentucky Tribune (17 January 2020).
Bonnie Everhart, "Book Review: German Heritage Explorations, by Don Heinrich Tolzmann," The Palatine Immigrant, 44:4 (2019): 4.
Paul A. Tenkotte, "Our Rich History: Don Heinrich Tolzmann’s new book 'German Heritage Explorations,' shares his expertise," Northern Kentucky Tribune (9 September 2019).
Randall J. Ratje, "Book Review: German Heritage Explorations, by Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann," Steuben News (September/October 2019).
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge: Washington Roebling's History," Northern Kentucky Heritage. 26:2 (2019): 28-34.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The Ohio Germans in the Civil War," The Palatine Immigrant, 44:3 ( 2019): 13-16.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Friedrich Gerstäcker and Cincinnati," at the blog site of Dr. Christoph Irmscher (22 January 2019)
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The German-Americana Collection, University of Cincinnati: How it Came to Be," Presented at the University of Cincinnati, April 13, 2018. [YouTube video presentation]
Paul A. Tenkotte, "Our Rich History: New book, PBS documentary shine national attention on John A. Roebling Bridge," Northern Kentucky Tribune. (23 July 2018).
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Our Rich History: The Cincinnati German Origins of Memorial Day - Here's the Connection," Northern Kentucky Tribune. (28 May 2018).
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The Land of Milk and Honey: Letters of Johann Bernard Meyer from America to Family in the Osnabrücker Nordland, 1835 and 1844," The Palatine Immigrant, 43: 2 (2018): 11-17.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Abraham Lincoln's Ancestry," Vereinsnachrichten, published by the German Society of Maryland. Issue 108 (January 2018): 6.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The Land of Opportunity, An Article on America by a German Immigrant in Cincinnati, 1924. " The Palatine Immigrant. 43:1 (2017): 25-27.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, “Adolf Dehn: Life and Work of a German-American Artist on both Sides of the Atlantic,” The Report: a Journal of German-American History. 47 (2017): 113-22.
Kevin Rigsbee, "The Don Heinrich Tolzmann German-Americana Collection," LiBlog: University of Cincinnati Libraries' Blog (19 October 2017).
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The 300th Anniversary of the Reformation (1817) and its Implications for German Immigration to America," The Palatine Immigrant. 42:4 (2017): 12-16.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Robert E. Ward (1937-2017): In Memoriam," Yearbook of German-American Studies. 51 (2016): 3-4.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "Gert Niers (1943-2016), In Memoriam," German Life. (October/November 2016): 8, 21.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, "The Star Spangled Banner – auf deutsch," The Palatine Immigrant. 40:4(2016): 20-21.
“Photos of 152 Members of Die Neuner, the Ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment,” with an Introduction by Don Heinrich Tolzmann, and list compiled by Kenny Burck, The Tracer. 37:3(2016): 90.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann, “Amos Shinkle: Profile of a Self-made Man,” Bulletin of the Kenton County Historical Society, (May/June 2016): 2-8.